Thank you for supporting us

We work hard to provide quality, essential services to our low-income youth and families. We need community support to make sure we can continue to provide the same offerings to our families for the past 51 years.

Please give generously to Jamestown today — our community depends on it. 

You can support families and youth in the following ways:

  • $25,000 supports 5 high school youth workforce classroom assistants (YAP) for a full year

  • $10,000 covers K-5 mindfulness workshops during after-school enrichment

  • $5,000 outfits our Loco Bloco youth performers with costumes and music equipment

  • $2,500 feeds our Teen and Family Strengthening Program during weekly sessions for the program

  • $1,000 equips a Girls Got Goals team (our 5th-high school all-girls soccer program) with uniforms and gear

  • $500 sponsors 1 middle schooler to attend the UnidosUS youth conference

Who We Are: For more than 50 years, the Jamestown Community Center has focused on building stronger connections between students, parents, and the Mission & Excelsior District communities by providing access to high quality educational and community programs.



Who We Serve: During the 2020-21 school year alone, we connected with 10,388 low income youth in the Mission and Excelsior. We offer a safe place for youth to learn during every developmental stage from ages 4-24. Our programs include: 

  • Tutoring, before and after school academic enrichment 

  • Social/emotional support

  • Sports

  • Youth workforce

  • Parent leadership development

  • Afro-Latinx arts education and performance

  • Summer programs offered by all departments

Why we serve them: Latinx students are 26% of the SFUSD students but make up 48% of high school seniors who drop out before graduation. Jamestown supports families to overcome systemic economic and social barriers by providing access to services and high quality programs that are culturally accessible and developmentally targeted.



How we serve them and our impact:  Through the first year of the pandemic we connected with 10,388 participants, playing a vital role in connecting students and teachers with San Francisco public schools in distance learning mode. This included virtual after school classes with wellness checks and food distribution to families. Since Fall 2021, we returned to in-person services, and our work is even more critical now that the pandemic exacerbated the challenges our communities face. We continue to support the success of our youth with 100% of Jamestown’s high school participants graduating from high school and enrolling in college. 

Our programs are flexible and fluid to meet students and families where they are at and with their current needs:

For example, Jamestown's summer programs are critical to bridging the opportunity gap by offsetting the profound summer learning loss experienced by students from under-resourced communities. Since Summer of 2021, we hired credentialed teachers for morning instruction and this year we added 2 social workers for additional student and family support to address the lack of consistent in-person learning.

Jamestown's Tax ID # is 94-3213124