50 Years Strong: Celebrating 50 Days of Storytelling & Giving

The Mission District has changed a lot over the past 50 years. Demographics have shifted, businesses have come and gone, but one constant has remained; The Jamestown Community Center. Since 1971, Jamestown has been providing high quality academic and afterschool programming for the youth and families of our community. Jamestown has made it so far because of you. Thank you so much for being a part of our community and celebrating this golden milestone of 50 years. 

This year Jamestown celebrates our 50th birthday! To celebrate, we took the time to reflect on all the wonderful things we’ve been able to accomplish over the past half century. We spoke to current and former staff, students and leaders who have contributed to the overall success and growth of our organization, and we will share their stories in these 50 special days.

With the support of Jamestown alum Edgar Garcia of Robot Boy Productions, we took some time to speak with people who have made Jamestown what it is today: a place of learning, a home to many and a beacon of hope for all. Take a moment to learn more about the powerful leaders that have helped keep Jamestown alive and thriving by viewing the video.

To celebrate our 50th birthday, for the next 50 days we'll be sharing the stories of our community—the incredible individuals who have contributed to our collective growth. We're also working to raise $150,000 by January 10th, to help us continue the work for another 50 years.

Help us reach our goal by making a year-end gift to ensure Jamestown keeps providing quality programming for our Mission District familia. Visit jamestownsf.org to make your donation today.

Christian Beltz