Meet Nancy Hernandez: Former Jamestown Youth and Current Beacon Director Growing Leaders From Within

“I want to continue making an impact in the community that I have been born and raised in. There is a connection of family in Jamestown, a sense of opportunity to thrive and give to the community. We are a rare to find, resilient, passionate, and dedicated people in this workforce.”

Since its inception, the core of Jamestown’s work has been to provide young people with a safe space to learn, grow and explore their interests in a comfortable after school environment. Buena Vista Horace Mann (BVHM) Beacon Director Nancy Hernandez, has been a dedicated member of the Jamestown familia for years, starting as a youth participant at 16, and has grown into one of the organization’s leaders. Learn more about Nancy and her perspective as a woman born and raised in our Mission District Community. 

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Here's more from our interview with Nancy

Q: What was your initial introduction to Jamestown? 

A: My initial introduction to Jamestown was about 16 years ago. Right after middle school, I started working for Horace Mann Collaborative at that time who were in charge of the academic portion and Jamestown was in charge of Enrichment. In the summer of 2010, it was my first time working as a teacher for Summer Voyage at Cesar Chavez. Since then, I have stayed to be part of that magic brought to the community. 

Q: Why do you think Jamestown has such a strong and established legacy?

A: Jamestown has a strong and established legacy because it provides the opportunities for  people who want to work in youth development, it is also built by people who were raised and born in San Francisco, it is a community based organization, as well as a circle from having youth as participants to now teachers. It has adapted to the environment and still provides the needs our families need no matter their status.

Q: What do you want your Jamestown legacy to be?

A: The legacy I want to leave behind is the knowledge I gained through the years on youth development, knowing that someday youth would remember that I was one of the adults who helped them achieve their goal and not let them down. Also, adults using the advice once passed down to me. 

Christian Beltz